MFMS Official Summit Partner: Adobe

We are honored to announce that Adobe will be joining as an official partner of the Michigan Fashion and Media Summit! 

The University of Michigan has the honor of being one of Adobe’s Creative Campuses, a title only held by 37 other universities in the world. With Adobe, the university has made a commitment to provide students with free access to expand upon their access to digital communication and expression. With Adobe’s tools, students can create a myriad of projects, such as portfolios, digital resumes, presentations and videos that can be applicable to any program or organization that the University of Michigan has to offer. For more information about Adobe’s Creative Campuses, visit their website

The MFMS’s collaboration with Adobe is focused on executing workshops on creating portfolios, mood boards, and building personal branding for students. These workshops will be available for attendees eager to expand upon their skills and resources available to them, especially through Michigan. 

The University of Michigan’s future with Adobe is far from over. There will be more workshops like the ones found at the Summit planned for the upcoming fall semester, which will be available to all students interested in utilizing Adobe’s various tools and programs. Additionally, Adobe Creative Cloud is accessible directly through Canvas. Once the application is manually turned on, students can use Adobe Creative Cloud at their disposal. 

The Michigan Fashion and Media Summit is thrilled to be working with Adobe, and we are so grateful to be bringing their resources for innovation to students at the Summit. To hear more from our Adobe representatives, make sure to buy tickets for the 2022 Michigan Fashion Media Summit here.

Prisha Patelall 3, partners